The only place with snow!!! - And there, you will find me. =) Wow, I have finally gave in, and made an update on my blog. Phew..!!
So, break has started and I've kind of just been hanging a bit low. I was thinking the other day, how I wasn't able to go home. And I was feeling a bit sorry for myself. But then, it was almost as if God said to me, Ange - there are so many times that you are so busy, classes become the priority, and you fail to spend time with me. I miss my time with you. So, I have decided to take this break, take what I have learned so far in classes, and just ponder over it with my Father. There's also been many of issies in which I have yet to dig through. Sometimes I think to myself.... what if people are following me?? Is the life I am living honoring God? Is He pleased with the decisions I make?? Am I walking a straight enough line? Someone said something to me awhile back that I think applies here. They said - " You cannot plow a straight line, if you're always looking back." whoofmp!! That's exactly what I have been doing...looking back...focusing on my past...limiting what God wants to do in my life NOW...and in the future. I pray as I am sowing my seeds, God will just help me to focus forward. To focus my faith in Him and know that when I can't see where He is working in my life, I can trust that He knows what He is doing.
Well that is it for today. The sun is shining, I've just had a great, yummy sunday meal, and there's snow flakes dancing around outside. What could be better!!?!
Happy Sunday!!!