Saturday, April 26, 2008

Drawn To His Heart
The God you trusted in the past is the One who’s faithful still.
Trust Him now,with all your heart,to be working out His will.
There’s nothing that you’re facing which takes Him by surprise
All the things concerning you have not escaped His eyes.

His hand has been your covering through every circumstance,
Everything will work for good; nothing is by chance.
Let your faith abide in Him just like a mustard seed,
And you will find His promise true to meet your every need.

Wait on God to do His work in His perfect time and way.
The answer may seem slow just now, but He will not delay.
One day you’ll see the wisdom that led you from the start
Was given byyour Father’s love to draw you to His heart.

Written by Roy Lessin


~ This little poem hit me today. Many thoughts to think on. ...................


Aimee said...
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Aimee said...

Crossroads say a LOT about life, but just remember GOD is in control and he WILL guide your path to fulfill his plan for your life. Have faith to believe. God will ALWAYS answer in time. HIS time.

Even in the Valley God is Good. Even in the Valley HE IS faithful and true. HE carries his children through like he said he would. Even in the valley GOD IS GOOD.

Don't ever forget that!

Leah & Jon said...

Hey Ange! I absolutely LOVE the new banner! I especially like the middle picture. You look so happy. Good for you!

Ike said...

you need to blog